In an interview I once said that one of the things I still want to do is become involved in an all-girls ski movie. This season my chance has finally come! Sandy Lahnsteiner – fitness traininer, mental coach, ex-racer and a woman of action – contacted me in July about the chance to be one of 6 skiers in an all-girls ski movie. The story revolves around a road trip the girls undertake, each to their own home ski resorts. We will travel from Gastein, Austria, to St. Jakob (Eastern Tirol), Cortina (Italy), Lech am Arlberg (Austria), Oberstdorf (Germany) and finally Verbier (Switzerland). As well as some beautiful skiing action, the film looks at how the girls find inspiration from each other to ski the best lines possible. Our goal is to inspire as many people – foremost women, but also men – to grab a group of friends and head to the mountains for some fun skiing action!
The crew consists of:
Riders: Sandra Lahnsteiner (Gastein), Mel Presslaber (St. Jakob), Giulia Monego (Cortina), Lorraine Huber (Lech am Arlberg), Pia Widmesser (Oberstdorf), and Laura Bohleber (Verbier).
Camera: Mathias Bergmann from sweetshots, some of Europe’s best outdoor sports photographers.

Join our fan page on facebook to follow us on our road trip. For more information about how to get involved in our all-girls film project, please contact me directly.